One of the highest growing concern for celebrities in the 21st century is plastic surgery. The internet has provided a platform where fans can be as open. Because, they want and speak out on what they feel. While this might be a blessing, its also a curse. The internet has also been used for evil and people use it to bully, criticize and pressure celebrities. If she’s getting old she’ll have insults hauled at her. When a celebrity has a part of her body that fans are not happy with they criticise and insult the celebrity. This pressure has led some celebrities to go under the knife. This is especially for celebrities who are going older and the fans are not letting go. The celebrity knows that if he or she starts looking old she loses her audience. Robin Meade plastic surgery has been a classic example of this.

First and foremost, let me begin by saying that Robin Meade is one of the most news anchors. She is the lead news anchor HLN’s show, Morning Express with Robin Meade. She is best characterized by her personality that is enthusiastic, calm and collective. This combined with her great looks has made her a popular anchor and she has won the hearts of many.

Robin Meade’s cannot be stressed enough but the fact that she has won the Miss Ohio pageant paints a picture worth a thousand words. This was an achievement she made before joining the broadcasting business. Having joined HLN in 2001, it seems that too many years have gone by to hide. Although Robin is all about a healthy lifestyle to achieve the sort of looks she wanted, it had to take more than a smoothy and daily run. We do not have the details of when she did it but we are sure of Robin Meade plastic surgery being true.

Robin Meade Before and After Plastic Surgery

What has changed with Robin Meade Plastic Surgery?

Seeing that she was now 48 years old and with so much to offer she knew exactly how to get the spotlight on her, how to remain relevant in the industry and how to rekindle her fans. Going under the knife would offer so much opportunity for the news anchor and she has gone out and grabbed the opportunity

Breasts Implants

Previously Robin’s breasts were not one of her beauty highlights, there was nothing to talk about and were like of any other 42 year old. However, recently things have changed and things are banging. Her breasts are so much bigger, rounder and stand firm. Whenever she’s out in public those things look like they want to pop out and break free and what a sight that would be.

Nose Job

One of the most defining parts of a person’s face is her nose and it’s clear Robin didn’t like how hers was defining her. Her nose which has changed and taken a whole new shape is one of her very dominant fascial change. Her new nose looks good and it has some built-in character.

Robin Meade Before and After Cosmetic Surgery

Chin Tuck

Although this change is somewhat subtle, it remains notable to the keen eye. She has had the procedure to refine her chin. The work done on her chin compliments her beauty. Especially in a way combined with the more works done on her face redefining her beauty.

Tummy Tuck

Even you have the prettiest face in the world having a heavy body takes all the beauty away. This is why Meade decided to get rid of the excess weight around her stomach. The procedure has left the anchor with an incredible figure. Now it highlights her newly done breasts and her behind.

One major fundamental when having plastic surgery is making it appear natural. It is like you just had a good night sleep and you magically changed and your appearances enhanced. If we didn’t know better, we would think Robin Meade plastic surgery is just the work of a good night sleep. Or, maybe a really really healthy smoothie. We, however, know the truth. We know for it to look this good it has to first get bloody.

The whole facial procedure is subtle which is quite nice because it is only when the procedure is extreme that it goes wrong. The same cannot be the same about her breasts that are just ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, not ridiculously bad, just ridiculously everywhere.

These perfect round breast will definitely have men staring at their screens for a long time, ( I bet they will also be a great way to prove man can focus on two things at the same time).
The breasts have no hint of subtlety which might have just been the whole point, get people’s attention and then use the face and personality to keep it.

Whatever the case or whatever the reason for Robin Meade plastic surgery it really doesn’t matter what we now expect is that all eyes will be on her. Something you rarely hear when talking of a 48-year-old woman.

The Conclusion

When you’re always on camera, looking good is every bit important. You always have to be at your best and you must always project confidence. This is not always easy for a lot of public figures and one of the major reasons for this is self-awareness. When your not comfortable in your own skin, it will be hard to project confidence when your interacting or addressing fans. Now imagine if you get criticized or bullied for the same. It’s heartbreaking.

This is why celebrities and other public figure’s news of going under the knife will never be something of a surprise. When time and reality knocks at their door they either have to fight to stay or stand to lose their relevance.We always wish that they go as well as successfully as Robin Meade plastic surgery. Although this is not always the case and hope the procedure is every bit what the person expected. They can then walk with confidence and look however they want. Hey, it’s a free world.