Jada Pinkett Smith is probably one of the most famous Hollywood celebrities. She achieved her success through acting and singing. Jada later progressed to being a noted producer and director of TV shows and movies. She is also known for being the wife of Will Smith, a famous actor in Hollywood. However, like it’s the case with all celebrities, Jada Pinkett is under constant scrutiny from fans and the public. Rumors have it that she has undergone a couple of plastic surgery procedures in order to maintain her youthful looks. Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery is something that has been discussed on numerous forums.

Age starts to become more noticeable for a woman after she has reached the age of 40. A woman in the entertainment industry has to maintain her appearance because it is an asset to her if she wants to remain in the industry. There is therefore a pressure for women in the industry to look good at all costs. Most have turned to plastic surgery to make this a possibility especially when age begins to kick in at a fast rate. Unlike her husband who never seems to age, Jada Pinkett Smith has had a couple of procedures done to slow down the effects of ageing and hopefully maintain her looks.

Jada Pinkett Smith Before and After Cosmetic Surgery

The actress is rumored to have had cheek augmentation. When you look at her recent photos and you compare them with pictures taken earlier in her career, you will notice a huge difference in her cheeks. It is believed that the actress had cheek fillers done with the intention of lifting her cheeks. While the procedure is done to make one loo younger, the opposite happened in Jada’s case. She looks older and it is very easy to mistake her for someone else since the procedure has really changed her appearance. What do you think? Does the cheek augmentation make her look better or worse?

Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jada Pinkett Smith has talked against people having too many procedures done before; she did not mention whether she was against the idea. However, she has not made any comment regarding the speculations about her plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Anthony Youn a respected plastic surgeon said that her look might have been achieved by injecting fat or silicone into the cheeks. This conformation is one of the reasons why the rumors surrounding Jada’s plastic surgery refuse to go away.

Jada Pinkett Smith Before and After Surgery Procedure

Since she has not made any comment regarding the issue, it is hard to tell is Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery is the truth or just another rumor. However, the dramatic change in her appearance is something that can only be achieved through plastic surgery. Many celebrities have had plastic surgery procedures done and they have turned out so successfully. However, the same cannot be said for Jada Pinkett Smith. She looks really unrecognizable because the procedure did not turn out as expected. Instead of looking young with the help of the procedure, she now looks old and even malnourished. Plastic surgery was definitely not the right move for her. What do you think? Did she make the right or wrong choice in getting this procedure done?

Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos